Alfredo Lozano is an applied Mathematician from Mexico City and a student of Critical Philosophy at the New Centre. He works as a machine learning engineer developing autonomous systems that process natural language. He is also a multimedia artist and currently works at abya yalan art-science collective Interspecifics. He seeks to explore ways of engaging with the complex systems that give place to individuals experiencing, knowing and acting in the world as an artistic attempt to address ideas from 4E cognition, social epistemology and the construction of utopian thought.
A Foray into the Ecology of Possible Worlds
1. An Ecology of Possible Worlds I am often amazed to have access to satellite images with thundering evidence of our species’ capabilities to transform the environment. It is an Earthrise-like aesthetic experience that naturally calls for a philosophical inquiry about the ontology of the human self as part of the Earth’s systems. This essay… Read More »