
Nick land

Nick land is is an English philosopher who was a Lecturer in Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick (1987-1997), co-founder of the Cybernetic Culture Research Unit (Ccru) with Sadie Plant, editor at Urbanatomy (since 2006), and founder of Urbanatomy Electronic (2013, under Leo Zhou). He is the Co-founder of Time Spiral Press (with Anna Greenspan, 2014) and author of The Thirst for Annihilation (1992), Fanged Noumena (edited by Ray Brassier and Robin Mackay, 2011), Templexity (2014), and Phyl-Undhu (2014). Land taught at the New Centre for Research & Practice until March 2017, when the Centre ended its relationship with him following hias several tweets that year in which he espoused intolerant opinions about Muslims and immigrants.


Other Endings

Found in the Hyperstition archives, “Other Endings” is the never-published preface to Reza Negarestani’s Cyclonopedia by Nick land, the controversial former Instructor of philosophy at The New Centre which in light of the author’s recent public declaration of his faith in Allah and Islam becomes more than just a premonition but an essential part of… Read More »