
Vinícius Portella

Vinícius Portella is a fiction writer, editor and independent researcher born in Brasília and based in Rio. He holds an MA from Dartmouth College and a PhD from Rio de Janeiro State University, both in comparative literature. His two areas of research are mythology and media theory, but lately his focus has been on the work of Gilbert Simondon and the concept of rhythm. His criticism has appeared in the LARB and revista Piauí and his academic articles have appeared in several journals inside and outside Brazil. In 2017 he published the novel “Procedimentos de Arrigo Andrada”. He is also an editor and co-founder of Machado Editora.


Cosmotechnics & the Multicultural Trap

1. Although still a young writer and researcher, it is probably not an exaggeration to say that Yuk Hui is already one of the most influential contemporary thinkers of technology working today. This position is certainly warranted by the strength and scope of his work, the expansive drive and breadth of which is inspiring, especially… Read More »