
Galit Eilat

Galit Eilat is an interdependent curator and writer based in Amsterdam. Since 2018 she is director of Meduza Foundation. Her projects seeks to develop conditions that enable collective encounters and experiences, underpinned by a critical view towards the status quo. Deploying eclectic, site-specific projects, often in collaboration with grass root, politically active groups and individuals, Eilat unravels the intertwined themes of political ideology, theology, the nation state and the production of history. Pivotal within such projects is the process of knowledge dissemination, which departs from the ethos that art is charged with the potential to ignite social change and must therefore distance from the nation state. Her current research trajectories are dealing with the Syndrome of the Present and Totalitarian Art vs Art under Totalitarianism. In addition to her curatorial activities, Eilat also engages in teaching and has written extensively about art and politics. Eilat is the recipient of the Keith Haring Fellowship in Art and Activism at Bard College, 2017-18.



Ruangrupa: Contemporary Art or Friendship Industry?*

In the past two decades, more than in the past hundred years, authoritarian regimes have risen to power globally. Today, fascist parties are occupying seats in many countries’ governments, such as in the Israeli Knesset, the Dutch Tweede Kamer, the American Congress, and the German Bundestag. Meanwhile, the collective memory of European fascism and its… Read More »