
Luc Hagopian

Luc Hagopian is a writer-director of films aimed at the expression of pre-verbal images as thought, as well as an academic writer caught within the tempest of continental philosophy. His principle intent lies in the exploration and development of the twinned intensification of cinema art and rigorous theory in concert. Prominent interests include Kant’s ontology, Nietzschean aesthesis and polemic evaluation, Bataille’s inner experience, Foucauldian genealogical practices, and Lemurian time sorcery. Emerging from the depressive, dripping forests of rural Cascadia, Hagopian seeks to investigate the problematic of territorialization in anthropic and inhuman systems. He is currently studying Critical Philosophy at the New Centre for Research and Practice, as well as engaging in communion with H*stur the Yellow King, or Plague Vector.


To Write with Blood: Discursive Authorship and Inner Experience

In ”On Reading and Writing”, a chapter in his seminal work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Nietzsche speaks through his prophet Zarathustra, who declares: “Of all that is written I love only that which one writes with his blood. Write with blood, and you will experience that blood is spirit. It is not easily possible to understand the… Read More »