
Maks Valencic

Maks Valencic is finishing his master’s thesis on universal computationalism and (radical) media archaeology. He’s a co-editor of Šum: journal for contemporary art and theory-fiction, as well as a researcher at The New Centre for Research & Practice. He blogs at In the future, he would like to further his understanding of German accelerationism and generativity of technological civilization.


Retinol: A Mode of Action

“Condensed in a formula, the Technological Civilization can be characterized as the transition from ratio to generativity, from matter to process, from nature to the hybrid.” –Davor Löffler If we follow the self-avowed German Accelerationism and deep futurology of Davor Löffler (Löffler 2021), we can posit that everything is co-evolutionary and that there are no… Read More »