
Sam N. Brown

Sam Brown graduated with a BA in Politics & Philosophy from Cardiff University in 2022 and is currently studying for his MA in Aesthetics & Art Theory at the CRMEP, Kingston University, London. He is interested in French existentialism and phenomenology, psychoanalysis, Marx, and critical theory, and is engaged by questions of subjectivity, race, and the modern artwork.


A Black is Not a Man: Fanon, Sartre, and Racial Metamorphosis

In the Introduction to his Black Skin, White Masks (BSWM), Frantz Fanon makes the claim that ‘a Black is not a man’.[1] To understand what Fanon means by the claim that the Black is not a man, a claim that he admits is ‘at risk of angering [his] black brothers’, we must explore the construction… Read More »