&&& Publishing is an independent purveyor of theoretically informed, publicly engaged publications, circumventing academic/popular distinctions in order to open up a more accessible platform for public intellectual practice. As the publishing platform operated by The New Centre for Research & Practice, our aim is to shape new forms of knowledge production and circulation within and against both past and present modes of intellectual production, distribution, consumption.
Originally published in English by Siegfried Zielinski as “Against psychopathia medialis — For normal schizophrenia”, in the APRJA Journal, issue1.2(2012): “In/Compatible Research.” This is the first of many Spanish language translations that we will be releasing on &&& open-access. Giancarlo Sandoval will be translating current Philosophy and Theory over the next few months in order to make important recent texts available to the Spanish-speaking world.
(Esta es una de las muchas traducciones al español que estaremos publicando en &&& y distribuyendo en open access. Giancarlo Sandoval estará traduciendo Filosofía y Teoría actual en los siguientes meses para que textos actuales importantes estén disponibles en el mundo hispano. Manténganse al tanto…)